Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Dry Cargo Ships – Ship to Ship Operations Plan(STS)

Ship to Ship Operations Plan(STS)

Ship to Ship(STS) Cargo transfer operations in both the TANKER and DRY CARGO ships are exposed to similar STS risks, and they should encourage awareness of these regulations.
Latest edition of RightShip RiSQ 3.1. Ship to ship (STS) transfer, even for cargo ships are not regulated by MARPOL, is considered to be a High Risk operation and requires detailed preparation and trained/experienced personnel to participate there some risks, such as damage to the vessel or collision damage to the environment in case of fuel oil or dry cargo spill.(see 17.6 of RightShip RiSQ 3.1).

Shipping Companies in order to cover RightShip RiSQ 3.1.  should develop STS operation manual for each managed ship. This plan should provide  clear procedures , for Safety, Operation, Risk Assessment, Emergency response…….

Click on brochure(Dry Cargo Ships – STS) to read the technical advisory)



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