Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Polar Code Requirements

Polar Water Operational Manual(PWOM)  provides guidelines and procedures, in compliance with MARPOL Annexes I, II, IV, and V as amended by Resolutions MEPC.264(68) and MEPC.265(68) and in compliance with Resolutions MSC.385(94) and MSC.386(94).

Apart from necessary manuals(PWOM, OAR, ADDENDUM LOADING MANUAL, SOPEP, GARBAGE…), in order  for the Polar certificate to be issued the ship should be comply, according to POLAR CODE, with following requirements:

-Life Saving Equipment

-Countermeasures for the ice accretion

-Emergency food and water

-Navigation/ Communication

-Fire-fighting equipment

In case that you are interesting please tuch to our office (see relevant brochure).

We are able to coordinate before purchasing any new equipment as described above.

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